Sunday, April 21, 2019


my heart beats faster
my secret revealed in an instant
eyes leave my sockets as I process the news
not only can any one see me
but they can see my secret.

it shows, without explanation.
people judge, comment, and hate on it
but its my secret

My Boy Rules from OCT. 2013

1. Do not cuddle with a boy unless we are in a romantic relationship
2. No kissing a boy on the lips unless I am in a relationship with him
3. Should a boy initiate a kiss with me, I should stop it
4. I want to value myself and the commitment I make to someone

The Standards I wished for myself (in 2013)

  •  jewish
  • cares about treating friday night as a family night or just as a special night
  • does cute things

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


A Pillar
This not only supports whatever lay on top of it
He or she who may lean on it, will never fall
Eternities may pass and you can always count on it
Arbitrary as it may be, this steady and solid thing remains
Regardless of emotional wishes, it never has only one job

True Love

Sunday, April 21, 2013


If money can't buy happiness, then why should it be able to destroy it?